Intranet Features

Extranet Portals

Powerful extranet software for you and your stakeholders

The Claromentis permission system fully supports extranet user accounts, with extensive extranet features that boost the ease and functionality of accessing information for users who are typically not within your organisation. Our permission system streamlines the process of obtaining and receiving information from outside users, and provides your organisation with numerous options for managing extranets.

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Extranet areas for your stakeholders

Provide your clients, suppliers, and partners with access to their very own extranet. Featuring the same comprehensive apps as our intranet platform, your external stakeholders can benefit from the same streamlined, productive, and intuitive experience on the extranet as your internal workforce.

Extranet Features

Extranet security

Claromentis provide an unprecedented level of security for our extranet portals, ensuring that delicate information such as personal details are kept safe. All users in their own extranet area will not be aware of other extranet users in separate areas – crucial when data needs to be kept confidential, or when organisations accessing your extranet may be in competition with one another.

Extranet Features

Custom extranet designs

Each extranet area can be assigned a logo, colour scheme, or an entirely separate user interface. These customisable extranet features can strengthen your organisation’s affiliation when users participate with the extranet platform. Companies can enter the portal and view their distinctive logo displayed with your own, creating a feeling of partnership between both organisations.

Extranet Features

Secure extranet access rights

The Claromentis framework is a completely integrated digital workplace, meaning that your internal staff and external stakeholders will be accessing the same key information, without the need for duplication. Our secure permissions engine allows you to control access rights to all areas of stakeholder extranets, ensuring that data can be accessed by only the relevant users.

Extranet Features

Active Directory integration

Integration with your Active Directory server allows you to deploy the intranet with seamless, single-sign-on access for your internal staff, while requiring extranet users to supply username and password credentials for added assurance.

Extranet Features

Connect with stakeholders from around the world

Our web-based framework allows your staff and external partners to work together, whether they are located in the same office, or across the Atlantic. Intranet and extranet users login to a single integrated platform, promoting effective social collaboration and productive working.

Extranet Features